Golf Prosthesis

Golf Prosthesis

Golf Prosthesis

Golfing with Prosthetics

A standard prosthesis can be used for playing golf. However, due the rotation of the lower limbs during a golf swing a torque adapter or shock absorber is ideal for dispersing the forces on the residual limb. These can either be built into the prosthetic foot or they may be added as a component. The length of residual limb and the build height of the prosthetic foot would need to be taken in to account as to whether these components or foot choice would fit. By adding these components, you can reduce the strain on your residual limb, hip and/or knee joints and lower back.

Above Knee (TF) amputees as well as Through Knee (KD) amputees would require a prosthetic knee joint that is stable, especially on slopes and uneven terrain. If you are not already on a knee joint that offer these features, your knee joint would have to be upgraded to improve your stability. A knee joint without these features would feel like it wants to unlock when on a slope or uneven terrain.

There are numerous knee joints on the market that offer this essential stability on undulating terrain. Please consult your prosthetist about the options available if you are having problems with your current knee joint.

Cycling Prosthesis

Cycling Prosthesis

Cycling Prosthesis

Prostheses for Cycling

Before your amputation you might have been a keen road or mountain biker and you have now decide you have aspirations to once again compete in the beautiful Cape Argus Cycle Tour, tackle the mountain trails on your doorstep or take a leisurely ride on the promenade or your local streets. These activities may have also been a dream of yours which you never got to complete.

The good news is that this is all may be possible on your day to day lower limb prosthesis whether its road, mountain or stationary cycling. Above knee or throug knee amoutees will require a knee that either has a cycling mode or be a frees swinging knee joint. However, should you be an upper limb amputee, a specialised prosthesis will be required for you to once again pursue this sporting activity. Yes, you can cycle with just one arm, however experience has taught us that have the second point of contact on your handlebars makes you feel that much more in control. The ARM-XR is one of the heavy duty Above Elbow (TH) prosthetic Elbow joints available for both mountain biking and motocross.

Below knee amputees usually require a much lower posterior (back) wall on their socket to allow the knee to bend past 90 degrees. On your day to day prosthesis, this wall is kept at a certain height to prevent pivoting of your residual limb in the socket.

For Above Knee (TF) and Through Knee (KD) amputees that would like to participate in mountain biking or compete professionally in cycling there are numerous options available.

Most serious mountain bikers opt for the CrossOver Extensible Knee, touted as the World’s First Extensible Knee, which has a unit for shock absorption similar to what you would get on the rear suspension of your bike. It also has “tendons” that assist in extension of the knee that may allow you to cycle uphill standing up. Through Knee (KD) and Above Knee (TF) amputees require may require some initial training in their pursuit of cycling.

For serious road cyclists, weight is always an issue and thus we make every effort to ensuring that your prosthesis is as light as possible by only using Carbon fiber in the design and manufacture of the prosthesis.

Running Prosthesis

Running Prosthesis

Running Prosthesis

So, you want to run again. Do you want to sprint like an Olympic Athlete, run a marathon or just jog around your neighborhood again? We might just have a solution for you. Although these items are not seen as must have by Medical Aids, if you have the means we can once again fulfill your needs.

Although it is possible to run on some standard prostheses for a short distance, most clients require a more specialised running prosthesis. This would enable them to run further and longer with minimising stump discomfort and reducing fatigue if you were to use your day to day prosthesis, due to the advanced high activity componentry used.

Once you have been fitted with your prosthesis, we highly recommend seeing a Biokineticist or a Physiotherapist with a keen interest in active amputee’s. Learning to run again isn’t as easy as it was in the first place, for some people it is for others not. Learning to hop on your running prosthesis and trust that it won’t break leaving you in a crumpled-up mess on the floor is one of the first obstacles to overcome. From there its running drills to help improve and get the most out of your prosthesis.

The level of your amputation has a direct impact on the level of energy expenditure as well as the weight of the prosthesis.

Activities that may require these specialised components are as follows:

  •      Road running
  •      Track running
  •      Trail running
  •      Sprinting
  •      Field and court sports